she also explained that since the disease tends to go away on its own without treatment, doctors usually didn’t test for it in the past: “there are so many viral infections in children, but we cannot test for each and every one. however, we are now seeing more and more viral infections because testing for viral infections has increased over the last five years with virology labs being set up across the country. and the pandemic has given a further push to such surveillance.”
how does tomato flu spread?
children are particularly vulnerable to tomato flu because it spreads easily through close contact, such as through diapers, touching unclean surfaces or putting things in mouths. sanitation and good hygiene are recommended for prevention.
is there a treatment for tomato flu?
tomato flu will go away on its own within a few days and no specific drug exists to treat it,
according to the lancet. caregivers are advised to make sure that those who are ill rest and drink plenty of fluids. a hot water sponge can relieve skin irritation and rashes, and medications like acetaminophen and ibuprofen can be used for pain and fever.
india’s health ministry has also recommended isolation for five to seven days from the start of symptoms to prevent the spread of infection to other children or adults.