according to the government of canada’s national and non-prescription health products directorate, natural health products include vitamins and minerals, herbal remedies, homeopathic medicines, traditional medicines such as traditional chinese and ayurvedic (east indian) medicines, probiotics, and other products such as amino acids and essential fatty acids.
so if you stop taking medications prescribed by your doctor, and instead take vitamins, herbal remedies or try acupuncture, for example, you may risk having your disability claim denied. or if you opt to try massage therapy instead of going to a surgeon, this could also result in claim denial.
many disability claimants are told if they don’t follow the insurer’s prescribed plans, then there is a risk the insurer may deny or terminate their benefits on the basis of a policy violation. the naturopath profession is not recognized by the insurance industry as a valid medical option when dealing with a disability claim and in fact, some claimants are told if they had taken medicine from a medical doctor, their illness or injury would have healed and they would have been already back to work.
in ontario, there is case law that provides that a failure to follow physician-prescribed treatment is just one factor to consider when adjudicating a disability claim, but is not the only one. sometimes people have tried conventional treatment, including pharmaceuticals, and have had adverse reactions.