
fitness: is it still cool to ice your injury?

keep the bag of frozen peas but pass on any of the engineered cold packs that have a greater chance of frosting your skin.

if you have an active lifestyle, chances are there’s a bag of peas in your freezer just in case you need a dose of cold on sore muscles or injured joints.
an age-old treatment touted by physicians, physiotherapists and athletic therapists, applying ice to an acute injury or submerging the whole body in an ice bath after a tough workout or game has become standard practice. yet according to the latest evidence, ice isn’t always an athlete’s best friend.
traditional thinking relied on ice to reduce the temperature and blood flow to the injury or overworked muscles, which in turn moderates pain and inflammation of the soft tissue. with less inflammation, there’s less chance of a secondary injury and greater opportunity for accelerated healing. but results of a few recent studies suggest that icing practices may need to be revised and that repeated icing of tired, overworked muscles could have previously unforeseen consequences.

“there is a growing trend throughout the literature recommending against icing injuries so as not to delay or impair the regeneration or the natural healing response that occurs following injury or exercise,” say susan kwiecien and malachy mchugh in an article published in the european journal of applied physiology .



when it comes to improvements in muscle strength and size, the micro damage from an intense bout of physical activity followed by a period of recovery is a necessary part of the rebuilding process. attenuating that damage with ice can mean strength gains aren’t optimized. the same goes for injury. too much cooling can delay or impair healing.
there’s a lot about icing that is misunderstood, with much of the research and best practices based on results from animal studies performed in a laboratory — which rarely resemble the practices of the average athlete or exerciser trying to make that bag of peas work magic on their aches and pains.
“it is highly unlikely that the degree of intramuscular cooling attained from 20 minutes of ice-pack application in rodents would be achieved in humans,” they said.
kwiecien and mchugh, who are from the nicholas institute of sports medicine and athletic trauma in new york, set out to review the best available evidence so they could recommend scientifically sound practices to guide the use of ice after exercise or injury. one of the discoveries they made when comparing the available science to current practices is that cooling is more important than reducing blood flow to the affected tissues. and the cooling properties of ice need to reach far beyond the surface skin to be effective.



that means the goal is to decrease the temperature of the affected muscles or underlying injured tissue, not just the skin. since exercise tends to cause muscles to heat up, post-exercise treatment may demand a more aggressive cooling strategy than icing after an injury.
“clinicians, practitioners and athletes alike often fail to understand that the magnitude of change in tissue temperature is extremely variable across different tissue layers (e.g. skin, fat, superficial, and deep muscle) and that skin and superficial tissues reach significantly lower temperatures than the deep muscle during cryotherapy (ice) application,” they said.
as for whether that bag of peas is the best choice when it comes to icing down an injury or sore muscles, anything that melts from a solid to a liquid will promote better deep cooling than a gel pack — even though the gel pack will cool the skin faster than a bag of peas or ice. keep the peas but pass on any of the engineered cold packs that have a greater chance of frosting your skin than cooling the soft tissue deep below the surface.
as for post-workout ice baths, the good news is they aren’t worth the agony endured largely because it usually takes longer than 15 minutes to achieve the degree of muscular cooling necessary to produce results. and for anyone who’s ever tried lowering into an ice bath, it takes everything you’ve got to stay the course much less spending even more time battling this unique form of full body torture.



it takes longer than the standard 15 minutes for ice to work. research suggests icing should be repeated regularly in short but frequent doses in the 12 to 24 hours post injury or workout — a commitment not every athlete is willing to make. the same goes for ice baths, with repeated bouts of 10 minutes likely more effective than a single dunking.
in short, when it comes to ice, it pays to be selective and strategic in its use. icing on the odd occasion when the muscles need extra attention or when trying to bounce back quickly between games or workouts can provide welcome relief. the same intentional approach applies post injury. just don’t make icing part of your regular recovery routine unless you want to risk diminishing some of the results of your hard work.
think of that bag of peas as short-term relief rather than a long-term strategy.


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