
why the best-before date doesn't tell you much

you may be surprised at the actual shelf-life of your food, medication, and cosmetics.

food gone bad: why the best-before date doesn't tell you much
a best-before date is actually about the quality of the food, not whether or not it should be eaten. getty
the other day, i sniffed a long-opened jar of pasta sauce, inspected it for mould and decided it was okay to eat. i didn’t even check the best-before date — i was trusting my senses. yet, just minutes earlier i had poured an overdue carton of milk down the drain without hesitation.does that sound a bit inconsistent?the thing is, there are some things that i have always been careful about consuming after the best-before date — meats and milk are definite no-no’s. pasta sauce and salsa? no problem.turns out i’ve been wrong all along. in fact, a best-before date is actually about the quality of the food, not whether or not it should be eaten.“best-before dates are not indicators of food safety, neither before nor after the date,” according to the canadian food inspection agency (cfia).perhaps i, like you, have misunderstood the definition of the best-before date. it is not an expiration date — which tells you the last date the food can be consumed. only five types of foods in canada actually require expiration dates, and they have strict nutrition specifications: formulated liquid diets, pharmacist-sold foods for low-energy diets, meal replacements, nutritional supplements and infant formula. these foods “should not be bought, sold or eaten if the expiration date has passed,” the cfia states on its for a best-before date, only foods that have shelf lives of 90 days or less (unopened and properly stored) are required to have one — but it’s up to the individual food manufacturer to decide what that date should be. the manufacturer may base it on how long the food will stay fresh, remain tasty or keep its nutritional value — not necessarily how long it’s safe to eat. many manufacturers also decide to provide best-before dates for foods that last longer than 90 days.“you can buy and eat foods after the best-before date has passed,” according to the cfia. “however, when this date has passed, the food may lose some of its freshness and flavour, or its texture may have changed. some of its nutritional value may be lost.”a collective problemwhile dumping the odd cup of milk may seem harmless, it adds up. according to a 2019 report by second harvest and value chain management international, 58 per cent of all food produced in canada doesn’t end up in bellies. on average, each household spends $1,766 per year on food it throws away. this waste winds up in landfills, creating greenhouse gases — the resources used to produce the food are wasted, food hate waste canada, a campaign of the national zero waste council that focuses on reducing food waste, found that during the pandemic, people are cooking at home more, doing fewer trips to the grocery store and buying more per trip. they then throw out a food primarily because they left it too long and it’s unappetizing and may not be safe to eat, or best-before date has passed.similar findings were reported by researchers from dalhousie university: as of late august 2020, canadians were wasting 13.5 per cent more food at home since the start of the pandemicways to minimize the wastethere are several ways to reduce the amount of food you waste. first, check what food you already have before heading out to shop, so you don’t buy more than you need; plan your meals for the week ahead and make a list; only buy as much as you can eat before it goes bad; store food properly and freeze it to keep it even longer and, make it a priority to use foods before they spoil.has it gone bad?look for indications a food may have gone bad: a bulging package, a bad smell, mould, or a strange colour are all clues that perhaps your food is not up to snuff. also keep in mind that a food may not show signs it has gone off, so you may need to use a combination of your senses and instinct to decide whether it’s safe to consume. and if you are in doubt, health canada says, “throw it out.”when after the best-before is okay here are some rough recommendations from second harvest on how long a food might be safe to eat past its best-before date, if unopened and stored correctly:safe until you notice visible rot, mould or a bio-degrading smell fresh fruits and vegetables, bread, buns, and bagels.there’s time, but not too much cakes, cookies, pies, chocolate and pudding is good for 72 hours past the best-before date, cooked luncheon meats last for one week after and it’s two weeks for dairy products like milk, yogurt, cheese and sour cream.longer term. juice and energy drinks last three to six months, frozen ground meat should be safe at around two to three months after the best-before date while frozen fish comes in at two to six months, and frozen poultry pieces lands at six months.up to one year. canned goods are generally okay to consume within one year, as are condiments like ketchup, mustard, relish, jam, mayonnaise, salad dressing, vinegar and soy sauce. same with frozen dinners and microwaveable meals, snacks like cookies, chips, popcorn and granola bars, and cereal, crackers, flour, oats, pasta and rice. larger cuts of frozen meat, including beef, lamb, pork and whole poultry, also fit in into this category; unlike their chopped or ground versions, they have less surface areas and so less chance of growing bacteria, plus more chance that cooking will kill that canada and food banks canada offer good advice on food safety, and again, if you are still unsure, throw it out.reduce bathroom waste, tooitems frequently found in bathrooms can also go bad. sunscreens, for example, have expiration dates and may become less effective after that date. the canadian dermatology association notes, “sunscreens contain chemicals that eventually break down, compromising the effectiveness of the product, so you should not use a sunscreen after its expiry date,” the cda write on its website. a hot car or beach bag can also speed up deterioration. so it’s up to you if you want to risk that canada, cosmetics don’t require expiration dates. health canada recommends you keep them dry and cool, wash your hands before using and don’t use them if you detect changes in their appearance, smell or for that opened pain relief medication or muscle rub, the expiration dates are only meant for unopened products. health canada requires manufacturers to determine them based on how long the drug maintains its potency, purity and physical characteristics, and the date after which the manufacturer recommends the drug not be used.a string of studies have shown that some drugs (unopened and properly stored) remain safe and effective for years — even decades — beyond their expiration dates. since 1986, the u.s. food and drug administration has been testing 122 drug products. on average, most of these were still fine to use five and a half years after their expiration dates. a british study in 2019 tested five drugs and found that, up to 4 and one-quarter years past expiry, all remained stable. shockingly, in 2012 american researchers looked at 14 drug compounds and found that some were still effective 40 years after they’d expired.barry power is a pharmacist and, as editor-in-chief with the canadian pharmacists association, he helps create resources on pharmaceuticals used by health care providers. an expiration date is “not a magic switch,” he says. “it doesn’t mean things suddenly become ineffective after that date.” and, like sunscreen, conditions like heat and humidity can make some medicines less potent even before their supposed time.however, he encourages people not to reuse prescription medicines like antibiotics, primarily because they were prescribed for specific situations. and over-the-counter drugs like cold medicines?“you can take it,” he says. “it may not have the full effect, but the risk of taking them is relatively low. if you’re not sure, by all means contact a pharmacist and ask.” in general, “the greatest harm is that they won’t do what somebody wants,” he, the bottom line with best before dates — as is the case with food — it’s up to you to make an informed choice. with careful consideration, you could have an emptier trash can and a fuller wallet.galadriel watson is a freelance writer, children’s book author and comics artist. don’t miss the latest 世界杯决赛2022. subscribe to healthing’s daily newsletter.


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