peaches are a moderate source of vitamin a and c, as well as potassium, according to the cleveland clinic.
the fruit may also provide a few heart specific benefits. research in animals found that peach extract can lower cholesterol and blood pressure. they also improve digestion thanks to fibre (especially in the skin) and stabilize blood sugar, doctor maxine smith told the cleveland clinic.
smith added that the fuzzy fruit is a moderate source of beta carotene, which is turned into vitamin a and can help the eyes. researchers have also found that peach pit extract may reduce uv damage on the skin.
peaches may irritate ibs
which can cause gastrointestinal distress, specifically in people who are only just finding out they have ibs and are trying to learn which foods are safe and which are not.
much of the antioxidants and fibre benefits are stored in the skin, so peeled or canned peaches won’t carry as many benefits as a whole peach.
how can i tell if they are ripe?
it’s relatively easy to know when a peach is ripe: if it’s hard to the touch, it’s not ripe. just be sure to not squeeze too hard when checking, as the skin could rip.