here are some of the things about keto that are often misunderstood, but important to keep in mind:
keto can look very different for different people
like veganism, keto is an umbrella term that encompasses drastically different styles of eating. i could theoretically eat avocado, sardines and spinach all day and be doing keto. that would be a healthy choice: i’d be eating large amounts of potassium, monounsaturated fat, omega-3 fatty acids and tons of fibre and antioxidants, which we all know to improve health outcomes.
on the other hand, i could be doing keto by eating nothing but cheese and ground meat. there’s nothing wrong with either of these foods, but if they were all i ate, i’d be exposed to a good amount of saturated fat and sodium but not much else.
most people probably fall somewhere between these two extremes, but there’s a ton of variation within this one diet.
keto might mean cutting out some unhealthy foods, but eating more of other ones
foods made with refined flour like baked goods, desserts and certain kinds of breads are untenable on a ketogenic diet due to their carbohydrate content. (there are low-carb or card-free alternative that would be allowed, though.)
i won’t argue that eating fewer foods made from refined flour is probably a healthy choice.