
tech bros call it 'biohacking,' we call it 'disordered eating'

twitter ceo jack dorsey is biohacking's poster boy. he claims to eat only one meal each workday. and he’s been experimenting with fasting all weekend long

imagine someone you love — your mom, sister, daughter or best friend — started eating only one meal of less than 1,000 calories a day and regularly powering through two-day stretches without eating anything at all.
what would you do? panic? drag her to the doctor? park her in a therapist’s chair? yes, likely all of the above, because you don’t need to be an expert to recognize what’s clearly crash dieting or, potentially, even disordered eating.
that is, unless you’re a big-shot dude in the tech world, in which case you get to call it “biohacking.”
biohacking is an amorphous term, but in general it refers to a movement of people who experiment on themselves — often collecting reams of data — in order to fine-tune all aspects of their health, from exercise to sleep to, especially, diet.
biohackers’ diets of choice are very similar to the next-generation nutrition fads that are popular in the broader culture, especially the ultra-low-carb ketosis diet and intermittent fasting, where people consume nothing but calorie-free fluids, sometimes for days on end. these diets have a few fundamental things in common: they spread by word of mouth on social media faster than they can be debunked. and they require you to significantly restrict what you eat, when you eat or both. and in addition to not being supported by science, for vulnerable people, they can be dangerous.



jack dorsey , the 42-year-old ceo of twitter and square, is biohacking’s poster boy. he claims to eat only one meal each workday, consisting of fish or meat, vegetables, and occasionally a small amount of berries, chocolate or wine. and he’s been experimenting with fasting all weekend long, drinking only water from friday to sunday. his drink of choice is the lemon, water and himalayan salt concoction he calls saltjuice.

 jack dorsey in toronto in april 2019.
jack dorsey in toronto in april 2019. peter j. thompson / national post

other biohackers include lifestyle guru tim ferris, a keto believer who advocates cutting out carbohydrates that “ are or can be white ” and eating the same simple meals day after day; geoff woo , ceo of “human optimization” company hvmn, who kicks off his week by not eating for 36 hours; and keto fanboy david asprey , the ceo of the supplements company bulletproof, who calls biohacking “the art and science of becoming superhuman” and sells various blends of edible oils marketed as “brain-boosting, fat-burning, high-energy fuel.”

phil libin , the former ceo of evernote, regularly fasts for two to eight days straight, consuming only water and black tea and coffee. the list goes on.

these diets, many of which have been around for decades, are being promoted with the newfangled silicon valley lexicon of “enhancing,” “disrupting,” “optimizing,” and “upgrading.” they sound “sciencey,” but they aren’t really science, says tim caulfield, a canada research chair in health law and author of several books on pseudoscience. biohackers are, for the most part, not actual nutrition experts, are not subjecting their data to peer review, and are working with a sample size of one and a highly biased experimenter.



biohackers and extreme fasters say they have science on their side, but the studies they cite are generally not powerful enough to form the basis of nutritional advice, caulfield explained. instead, they wildly extrapolate from animal studies or weak human studies that are correlational or observational, not experimental or well-controlled to rule out confounding factors.
true believers turn this around into a positive thing by calling their diets “cutting edge,” a sneaky way to say they’re based on preliminary research rather than settled science.
other “ridiculous words — energize, vitalize, detox, cleanse” are “red flags for something that’s less than legit,” caulfield said.
they’re based on the idea that there’s one correct diet and that it’s highly restrictive, when the evidence shows the exact opposite is true.
“humans can thrive on a huge variety of different diets,” caulfield said.

soy and fish but little dairy or fruit are eaten in japan , grains and vegetables alongside generous glugs of olive oil and wine are served in the mediterranean , while fish, fruit and coconut are staples in polynesia . all different, all healthy.

but fad diets that require massive amounts of time and energy to precisely calibrate what you eat, or incredible discipline to go without eating at all for days at a time, continue to be popular. and they have led to some speculation  online about whether something might be going on psychologically with people who want to control their diet to such a degree and that “biohacking” is simply culturally acceptable window-dressing that conceals disordered eating.



it’s not a crazy thought. a popular online keto “ cheat sheet ” lists 108 foods to avoid, including broad categories like deli meats, beans, grains, many milk products, starchy vegetables and most fruits. in practice, the eating habits of someone on this diet start to superficially resemble those of someone with arfid, or avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder. people with arfid, which is mostly associated with kids but also occurs in adults, have intense, often bizarre food aversions. they severely restrict what they eat and avoid certain foods.

dorsey says fasting makes him feel amazing — clear-headed and mentally focused. meanwhile, the brain’s reward system, which makes most of us feel happy when we eat yummy, high-calorie foods, is severely  out of whack in people with eating disorders such as anorexia. according to the canadian mental health association , restricting food intake gives these patients a “false sense of being in control.”

are these two things not one and the same? is biohacking just disordered eating?
not exactly, cautions psychiatrist dr. blake woodside, who specializes in eating disorder research and co-runs the eating disorder program at toronto general hospital.



“people think that dieting causes anorexia, but eating disorders are heavily determined by genetic risk factors,” he said.
almost all of us have dieted at some point, he said, and many chronic dieters are likely unhappy and could benefit from some counselling. but crash dieting is not “on a continuum” with eating disorders.
that said, restrictive diets can trigger eating disorders in people with a genetic liability for them, woodside said. but many different genes are involved and the science is not advanced enough to pinpoint exactly who is at risk.
that means it’s generally not a great idea to promote diets that require you to spend a lot of time thinking about, limiting and monitoring what you eat.
the diets can tip some people into a full-blown eating disorder, including men, in whom these disorders get systematically overlooked.
woodside said several large studies illustrate this: while in the population overall, somewhere between one in three and one in four people with anorexia are men, only one in 20 of anorexia patients treated in hospital are male, woodside said.
and it’s not a function of severity: “guys don’t think they can get it.”
eating disorders may present a little differently in men. they might be more likely to talk about fitness, biohacking or reaching an ascetic ideal rather than dieting, fear of being fat or their body image, which are culturally coded as female, woodside explained.



tanis fenton, a calgary-based registered dietician with a phd in epidemiology who has researched both keto and fasting extensively, says the diets are “not sustainable, either psychologically or socially,” adding that the benefits have been overblown and the risks minimized.
aside from the obvious — not meeting minimal nutrition needs — fasting leads to headaches and poor concentration that is not resolved by drinking water, fenton said. lab studies that link fasting to all manner of health benefits are not convincing on their own, she added.
“there’s a lack of randomized trials in humans. and how did the mice feel while fasting? nobody asked them!”
keto, on the other hand, is associated with constipation, kidney stones in as many as 1 in 10 dieters, and reduced capacity to exercise, except in elite athletes, fenton said.
and on top of all that, it’s only the tiniest bit better for weight loss (think an additional one kilogram off each year) compared to traditional, less extreme diets. you will lose weight quickly on keto, but that’s largely because your body’s carbohydrate stores hold a lot of water. it comes right back on as soon as you start to eat normally again, fenton said.



“that’s the problem with every one of these unsustainable fad diets. it’s that people feel like a failure. they’re promoted as easy and effective. even if you’re not vulnerable (to eating disorders), failure doesn’t feel good at all! and it’s not just a feeling; it’s a self-labelling. i am a failure.”
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