
health history: how dental floss became a thing

researchers have found signs of flossing with twigs, hair in the prehistoric age. since then, it's become more, shall we say, fun.

the history of dental floss
a fsa (farm security administration) nurse examines the teeth of migrant in the fsa dental trailer at the fsa camp for farm workers. caldwell, idaho, 1941. russell lee/farm security administration photographs

is there a more chilling question in this world than “when was the last time you flossed?” perhaps “how often do you floss?”  

we’ve all been there, body rigid in the dentist’s chair, some kind of blunt, thin tool wedged into our mouth s , our inner guilt racing even as we know today is not the day we are going to become frequent flossers.  neither is tomorrow, let’s be real.   

if you, like me, need som eone to blame  for it all, might i suggest dr. levi spear  parmly , the american dentist who  introduced  the concept of flossing in 1815. he  very likely did not  realize at the time just how much of a cornerstone the exercise would become in dentistry .  

but f loss actually predates  parmly. researchers have found  markings on the teeth of human skulls that suggest there was some kind of flossing in the prehistoric age. back then, it’s believed horse hair and twigs were the go-to to pick between one’s teeth. over the years, and since parmly’s  efforts, it’s become more of a refined process.  

a s most know, dental floss is a thin thread that can be inserted between the teeth to re move food particles or  plaque. it’s meant to be used alongside your tooth-brushing routine to be effective, and fight against gingivitis and halitosis (ahem, bad breath).  



in his 1819  book   a practical guide to the management of the teeth parmly   poetically  laid out , with roald dahl- esque  colour,  what has come to haunt us for two centuries: “the relics of what we eat or drink, (without regard to its quality) being allowed to accumulate, stagnate, and putrefy, either in the interstices of the teeth, as is most commonly the case, or else in those indentures on their surface, favourable for the lodgement of food, is universally th e cause of their decay.” a lthough the usual mode of brushing one’s teeth is essential,  he added,  “the source of the evil still remains; for the interstices and irregularities of the teeth afford a lodgement for whatever is taken into the mouth.”  

parmly   then  formulated the common teeth-cleanin g practice we know today: first,  brush those babies , second, polish ‘ em , and third,  get to flossing, the “most important step.” in conclusion, he wrote, “it is to be passed through the interstices of the teeth, between their necks and the arches of the gums, to dislodge that irritating matter which no brush can remove, and which is the real source of disease. with this apparatus, thus regularly and daily used, the teeth and gums will be preserved free from disease.”  



floss did not, however, become a household product until 1882, when  unwaxed  silk floss was mass-produced by the codman and  shur tleff  company. it was johnson & johnson  (which would  purchase  codman and  shurtleff  in 1965)  that patent ed  dental floss in 1898.   

dental floss’s first moment in the spotlight,  though , really came in 1918, when james joyce referenced the at-the-time ground breaking tool in his beloved novel  ulysses . to quote, “he took a reel of dental floss from his waistcoat pocket and, breaking off a piece, twanged it smartly between two and two of his resonant unwashed teeth.” riveting!  

floss became all the rage in dentists’ offices everywhere in the 1940s, largely thanks to dr. charles c. bass, who urged patients to make it a key part of their daily hygiene routine. around the same time, during  the second world war , silk became too expensive, and so nylon became the new material used for manufacturing floss. it was a nice bonus that nylon also happened to be more elastic than silk.  

soon came waxed floss, followed by dental tape in the 1950s, variations on the floss pick in the 1960s, and the first interdental brush in the 1980s, which could be used in place of floss.   

today, gore-tex – a more breathable material – is also used in place of nylon. and the dental floss industry in general has become more, shall we say,  fun . you can now b u y floss in different flavours, colours and textures. or you can just use a plastic floss pick,  particularly  for the teeth in the cheap seats, and for those who wear braces. for those with more sensitive gums, there is also soft floss and spongy floss.   



but, in 2016, our saving grace arrived – sort of. although the  american dental association  says that up to 80 per cent of plaque can be eliminated through flossing,  in  an  associated press investigation  that year, reporter jeff  donn  filed a freedom of information act request with the federal government, asking for the actual evidence that flossing is important to our dental health.  

in a stunning twist, the government admitted there isn’t any evidence. in a follow-up report, the ap wrote, “when the federal government issued its latest dietary guidelines this year, the flossing recommendation had been removed, without notice. in a letter to the ap, the government acknowledged the effectiveness of flossing had never been researched, as required.”  

as a matter of fact,  numerous   studies  over the years have shown that flossing isn’t the make-or-break practice we’ve been led to believe. still, however, there hasn’t been enough research to entirely invalidate flossing. and the last time i went to see my dentist earlier this year, she asked me the dreaded question: “when was the last time you flossed?” i didn’t have the heart to shove that ap report in her face. she, after all, has had her gloved hands jammed in my mouth many a time. i’d like to trust her and, really, what harm can floss do? we’ll probably have an answer to that soon, and a conclusive call on whether the entire process should be phased out.   



and, by the way,  the  canadian dental association  (cda) does still recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing at least once a day. however, only 37.5 per cent of canadians both brush their teeth twice a day and floss daily. even though you may be working from home these days, zoom won’t hide the sesame seeds trapped between your teeth from the morning’s everything bagel.  just fyi.

sadaf ahsan is a toronto-based culture writer, editor and stereotypical middle child. she can be reached here.
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