researchers have their sights set on a new method for treating glaucoma that would make daily eyedrops and surgery a thing of the past.
glaucoma, the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world, affects around 75 million people — including 400,000 canadians, according to fighting blindness canada . it is caused by blockages in the drainage canals of the eye that leads to a buildup of pressure that can damage the optic nerve. the new avenue of treatment, published in advanced science , addresses this issue with the injection of a natural, biodegradable hydrogel that holds open an alternative pathway, allowing any excess fluid to escape the eye.
“the holy grail for glaucoma is an efficient way to lower the pressure that doesn’t rely on the patient putting drops in their eyes every day, doesn’t require a complicated surgery, has minimal side effects and has a good safety profile,” said ross ethier, a professor of bioengineering at georgia tech and emory university, according to science daily . “i am excited about this technique, which could be a game-changer for the treatment of glaucoma.”
dave yasvinski is a writer with