
asking for help during men's mental health awareness month

a recent statistics canada media release shows one in five canadian adults screened positive for symptoms of depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder during the pandemic.

by: rita demontisthe road to pre-pandemic normalcy is littered with everything from broken dreams to mental health issues that will need to be resolved should we wish to successfully move forward after the covid-19 virus finally fades from our lives.(a recent statistics canada media release shows one in five canadian adults screened positive for symptoms of depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder during the pandemic, and of these, 68% reported their mental health had worsened since the start of covid-19.)how canadians start putting their lives back together depends on how deeply they are committed to asking for help. interesting to note there’s an overwhelming amount of research that shows women are much more proactive than men in obtaining help in order to start the healing process.issues can include everything from dealing with depression, stress and anxiety, to something as vulnerable as loneliness. a recent angus survey revealed 63% of 18- to 34-year-old canadian men experience a considerable amount of loneliness and isolation, compared to 53% of similarly aged women. that said, canadian women are three times more likely than men to go get support.why? well, reasons vary but in many cases, it’s the stigma attached to asking for help (the old asking-for-direction argument comes to mind), not to mention the lack of dialogue between men in general when it comes to even discussing such problems.these are timely topics considering june is men’s mental health awareness month, which, according to non-profit the canadian men’s health foundation (cmhf) is all about focusing on stress and anxiety that men may be experiencing, particularly because of the pandemic.“the pandemic has increased stress and anxiety for countless families, and we want men to know they are not alone,” said tc carling, president and ceo of cmhf, in a recent area men do not like to discuss is loneliness, which has long been a growing public health concern in canada and globally. the pandemic has made the loneliness epidemic even worse, with men suffering in record numbers, notes staff from blue hive health, canada’s first digital holistic wellness centre, which has also joined the conversation to make all canadians, and not just men, aware that mental health support is out there, and more accessible than ever before.according to blue hive, (which uses a multi-disciplinary approach to help those in need) canadians who report symptoms of mental illness also report experiencing “three times as many chronic physical conditions compared to the general population,” notes a recent release.“for many health issues, the conventional health care system often focuses on treating the symptoms, rather than targeting and addressing the source of the problem,” says stephanie abouatallah, co-founder and ceo, of blue hive health, in an email.ultimately, the onus is on men to move forward and address the issues at hand, be they dealing with loneliness, depression, anxiety or ptsd. many organizations are stepping up to offer support – cmhf has partnered with many influential voices “to help us build awareness and support,” says tc carling, in a campaign that includes “virtual speaker events featuring an all-star lineup of nhl players, olympians, tv and radio personalities, and psychologists from anxiety canada.”check out, for additional details and use @dontchangemuch/ #movementalhealth to help spread the’s ok to ask for helpwe asked stephanie abouatallah and giovanna capozza, both co-founders of blue hive health, a few questions on behalf of those who hesitate to ask the questions themselves:why do you think men are hesitant about talking about their feelings?men have been programmed from a young age to “suck it up” and not show emotion, or told that opening up is not “manly.” we continue a major disservice to men in our society by not allowing them to express their emotions or show vulnerability. the rhetoric has started to change but there is a lot of work left to be done.what is the difference between loneliness and mental illness?loneliness can be situational or chronic and can lead to a state of depression or mental illness. we are creatures of connection and so the lack of this can be a huge factor in the start of depression, isolation and deterioration. mental illness is a state of chronic lack of emotional wellbeing. it can range from situational depression due to a loss or death to an always-on state of disconnection from typical daily life; a lack of motivation and inspiration to live; and feelings of depression.has the pandemic made things worse? without a doubt, the isolation; fear; anxiety and uncertainty stemming from the pandemic has deeply impacted everyone. without support, men are particularly at risk if they don’t feel safe and welcomed to reach out for help. that said, there is one clear positive that came through the pandemic: it has put a spotlight on mental health, helping to reduce the negative stigma around getting support.what thoughts can you offer for men going through these tough times? reach out for support. this is the hardest step to take. in fact, it’s the main thing holding men back from getting what they need. the bravest thing you can do is be vulnerable and ask for support. @bluehivehealth
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