it feels like anxiety levels are as high as they have ever been. another round of covid-19 has caused widespread worry and filled our brains with thoughts of icu numbers, home learning, job security, money, mental health, and a million other things. in fact, soon after the start of the pandemic,
psychologists saw a spike in google searches related to anxiety, panic attacks and treatments for panic attacks
and while for many people, existing through that anxiety is a daily battle that has its ups and downs, for others, the anxiety evolves into a sudden feeling of fear and a sense of impending doom — usually not triggered by a rational fear.
according to the
centre for addiction and mental health (camh)
in toronto, a panic attack is “a sudden feeling of intense fear or discomfort that peaks within minutes” and they can be accompanied by many different physical reactions — even when there is no imminent danger or cause.
panic attacks come on quickly, last for five to ten minutes and peak within those ten minutes. according to
anxiety canada
, they usually include at least four of these symptoms; racing or pounding heart, sweating, shaking or trembling, shortness of breath or feelings of being smothered, or choking, chest pain or discomfort, chills or hot flashes, nausea or upset stomach, dizziness or light-headedness, a sense of things being unreal or feeling detached from oneself, numbness or tingling sensations and fear of losing control and/or dying.