in addition to making you the life of the party, a small study has found that learning how to play an instrument can lead to less depression, stress and anxiety.
the research,
published in the journal nature scientific reports
, also found that beginners who practised playing the piano for one hour a week over the course of 11 weeks became better at processing sights and sounds. as a person’s multi-sensory processing improves, they become better at almost everything they do, from driving a vehicle to crossing the street to locating a friend in a crowd.
“we know that playing and listening to music often brings joy to our lives, but with this study we were interested in learning more about the direct effects a short period of music learning can have on our cognitive abilities,”
said karin petrini
, a cognitive psychologist and music specialist at the university of bath’s department of psychology.
to this end, the team devised a randomized control study that split 31 adults into three groups: an intervention group that received weekly piano training and two control groups that either listened to music or completed homework in silence.
each one-hour training session for the piano group involved learning finger exercises for 20 minutes before being taught songs from the abrsm 2017-2018 piano grade one exam list for 40 minutes. training occurred on a one-to-one basis and participants were required to fully learn a song correctly and fluently before progressing to the next one.