for the one in five canadians who suffer a mental illness , the pandemic has put additional stress on their ability to function at work, especially as public health restrictions continue. people suffering from depression have challenges that are hard to overcome and make work almost impossible. medical treatment is often required, but what happens if their disability benefits are denied? making ends meet and treating an illness become life-threatening issues.
while it may seem self-serving, the heart-wrenching reality for many of our clients is that they turn to a disability lawyer after trying to fight a tortuous battle with an insurance company on their own. often they share stories of case managers or insurance company contacts making them jump through hoops to supply more information to support their claim. for some, the constant phone calls and emails are so stressful and triggering that their mental health declines even more. in fact, battling an insurance company with vast resources can be a david versus goliath endeavour for claimants who are often struggling to pay their bills and put food on their families’ tables — we recently worked with a client who couldn’t afford to pay for electricity and was keeping warm by burning wood in her fireplace.
nainesh kotak , is the founder of kotak personal injury law , a firm focusing on protecting their client’s rights to justice and obtaining the compensation their clients deserve. he also serves as the chair of the long-term disability section of the ontario trial lawyers’ association.