
from wuhan to a vaccine: a covid-19 timeline

in january, canada had four cases. at the end of a tragic 2020, infections are nearing 573,000

covid-19 timeline: a look at the virus in canada
prime minister justin trudeau puts on a mask at a news conference held to discuss the country's coronavirus disease (covid-19) response in ottawa, ontario, canada. november 6, 2020. reuters/patrick doyle
while there were ominous whisperings of a new virus taking hold in china at the end of 2019, january 2020 was when healthing posted one its first stories about the deadly virus we would come to know as covid-19, after the united states reported its first case.
looking back over the last year, it’s both interesting and shocking to track the virus bringing the world to its knees with so much fear, mayhem and death. and although each month brought with it more sickness and more questions, covid-19 was also a catalyst to start a dialogue about issues we have long been putting band-aids upon band-aids on: the inhumane, shoddy treatment of residents in long-term care homes, our poorly equipped healthcare facilities, health inequities in marginalized communities and the crisis that is mental health care. it’s been one hell of a year, and we have been through a lot — but we have come a long way.

january 2020  writer jordan heuvelmans starts our covid-19 coverage with a look at what we know about the mystery illness , which, at the time, was not much: health officials were reporting the risk of contracting the virus — initially known as the “wuhan virus” and “2019-ncov” — as low. they knew it belonged to a larger family of coronaviruses that mostly infected animals, including bats, and that at the time, the rates of death were lower than sars.



close to the end of the month, the public health agency of canada starts virus screening at airports , but came under scrutiny after canada’s first case — a man travelling from wuhan, china — made it through toronto’s pearson airport undetected. and by january’s end, the who deems the coronavirus a “public health emergency of global concern.” it would be the sixth time in the last decade that the agency had applied the emergency designation: in 2019 for the ebola outbreak in eastern congo, the 2016 zika virus, twice in 2014 for outbreaks of ebola and polio and in 2009 for the h1n1 swine flu. reports of stigma and racism towards people of asian descent begin to emerge prompting canada’s top doctor theresa tam to caution against feeding an environment of “us versus them.” covid in canada: 4 cases

february 2020 in his story called,” coronavirus: how frightened should we be ?” national post writer calum marsh details various missteps of the chinese government as it comes to light that officials had downplayed the gravity of the virus outbreak. as the days pass and more case of coronavirus are reported around the world — by now it had spread to 40 countries — canadian health officials start bandying around the word “pandemic. ” at the same time, the head of the who says it’s too early to call . we start hearing more about how to protect ourselves — experts say hand washing, distancing and covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze are among the recommendations. doctors in toronto ask travellers from china to voluntarily quarantine for two weeks. covid in canada: 12 cases



march 2020 the who calls the coronavirus crisis a pandemic. very early in march, canada sees 93 confirmed cases of covid-19, and one death in b.c, and the process of self-isolation and quarantining begins. schools in ontario close after march break, with no plans to reopen before the end of the school year. some businesses as well as daycares, bars and restaurants are also closed. worry among canadians that they won’t be able to afford to stay home grows, especially for those working in hospitality, service industries or the gig economy. the public health agency continues to call the risk to canadians “low,” but asks those with mild symptoms to stay home and call their provincial health authorities for advice. confusing messaging around masks begins as canada’s top doctor theresa tam dismisses the use of face coverings for those who aren’t sick. it would be two months before she retracts that advice , stating that while it was originally thought the virus was only spread from people showing symptoms, it was now known that people can not only transmit the virus days before symptoms show up, but some never show symptoms at all and can still spread the virus to others.

clinical trials ontario writes about the frantic and focused quest to develop treatments for the virus and ultimately a vaccine to stop its spread. china leads the way in the number of clinical trials, investigating the use of antibodies from covid-19 survivors to treat the newly infected as well as traditional chinese medicines, like shuang huang lian. and while there are 20 vaccines in trials around the globe, the world wonders why it’s taking so long and health experts begin to consider who should get the vaccine first. covid in canada: 8,548 cases



april  2020 covid-19 continues its insidious prowl across the globe, killing more than 170,000 people and infecting nearly 2.5 million. canada’s long-term care (ltc) homes bear the brunt as residents account for more than half of canada’s 735 deaths . quebec sinks into a “litany of death” as the province becomes the hardest hit by the first wave of the virus, with the local health authority taking over ltc home résidence herron in dorval after a severe staffing shortage led to 31 deaths . we start seeing things like toilet paper shortages and empty grocery store shelves. health officials ask canadians not to visit a grocery store more than once a week, prompting healthing columnist and registered dietitian andy de santis to write about how to make the most of an empty pantry . he also shares tips on how to buy nutritious non-perishable foods to cut down on the frequency of shopping while still eating well. by now, health experts have recognized that the virus behaves particularly violently in the bodies of those with pre-existing conditions — seven , in fact, including diabetes, obesity and hypertension. as most of us desperately hope for a vaccine — the who reports that 70 vaccine studies are underway — prominent anti-vaxxers like robert f. kennedy jr. spread conspiracy theories about inoculation. once again, the rest of us are both reminded — and shocked — at the strength of the anti-vaccination movement. canada reports a whopping jump in covid-19 cases. covid in canada: 53,236 cases



may 2020   working parents feel the strain of balancing their job, schooling their children and managing households, while the demand for youth mental health supports spikes. the federal government calls in the military to help five toronto-area long-term care homes — the resulting report is damning: insect infestations, rotten food, residents bullied and left soiled in bed. face masks are becoming a fashion statement. between nancy pelosi and roots , we have lots of choices as to how to cover our noses and mouths to protect ourselves from covid-19. the other news? virtual care and telemedicine — what canada’s healthcare system had been promising for years — starts to rollout across the country in a bid to stay in front of a global pandemic that threatens to seriously impact the quality of patient care. covid in canada: 90,190 cases.

june 2020 kids are still out of school, many non-essential employees are working from home, and the horrific gaps in care in long-term care homes is about to be blown so wide open that we can no longer ignore it. we also start learning more about how people without symptoms spread covid-19 , we see the mental health impact of the pandemic showing up in rising rates of gambling , drug overdoses and alcoholism, plus concern rises over the backlog in cancer care due to delayed surgeries and diagnostic tests. healthcare leaders call attention to how covid-19 is attacking the marginalized , particularly black and indigenous communities with significantly higher infection and morbidity rates. we are forced to take a look at the vast inequities in healthcare and access — the rage against which would gain momentum with the black lives matter movement. as the virus continues its incessant crawl across the globe, covid-19 language expands to include terms like “ bubbling” and “social circling, ” and we start wondering about food safety , whether or not toilets spread the virus and if contact lenses up the risk of virus exposure. all this while the world slowly comes around to the realization that a vaccine will be the only way out. covid in canada: 103,918 cases 



july 2020 the ontario government tables a motion to extend the province’s state of emergency – the same day the province reported 118 new cases of covid-19, while quebec wonders about making masks mandatory in public spaces . people are going against quarantine , large gatherings and mask-wearing rules , but on the bright side, a serology study begins in alberta to study covid-19 antibodies in children. covid in canada: 115,406 cases.

august 2020   fall is looming and health experts are worried about what they’re calling a “twindemic” — a double whammy of covid-19 and the flu, the kids are getting ready to go back to school , sparking worry among parents and teachers. the waldorf style of learning out of doors dips into the mainstream as educators look for ways to keep kids engaged at school that goes one step further than smaller class sizes and spacing desks two metres apart. and although most provinces see a slight reduction in virus cases, healthcare workers and the system continues to crack under the pressure of a lack of protective equipment, resources, and beds for the sick. covid in canada: 127,940 cases

september 2020 we are headed for the “second wave.” as the stress and anxiety mounts around false positive covid-19 tests , virtual versus in-person school becomes a choice and parents rail at the lack of supports for kids with special needs . a vaccine remains elusive, but there are many possibilities in development as the race to end the pandemic continues, sparking worry about the dangers of being too hasty. in the meantime, some ontario pharmacies begin offering covid-19 tests to alleviate the line-ups at testing centres. and just when news of potential vaccine contenders makes us think about heaving a collective sigh of relief, the u.k. reports a case of the mutant variant of sars-cov-2, and it begins to spread — quickly. covid in canada: 156,961 cases



october 2020  covid-19 fatigue is setting in, and we are seeing the consequences of months of isolating, virtual everything and relentless stress and anxiety. with the “second wave” officially upon us , public health experts in nearly every province shut down plans for thanksgiving gatherings with those outside of our own households, halloween as we know it is postponed until next year and grandparents everywhere wonder if they’ll see the grandkids for christmas. meanwhile, businesses scramble to stay afloat amid a ban on indoor dining , expanding outdoor patios and encouraging patrons to embrace delivery at curbside pick-ups. as for us, well, besides trying to figure out how to eat while wearing a mask so we can have some sort of night-out experience, we also brace ourselves — and our moods — for a depressing, cold, dark winter of staying in and not seeing friends and family. covid in canada: 235,444 cases

november 2020 it finally happens — vaccine news we can use . pharmaceutical giant pfizer announces that trial results show its covid-19 vaccine to be more than 90 per cent effective in preventing symptomatic covid-19. the russian direct investment fund announces that the candidate vaccine they are funding – dubbed sputnik v – showed 92 per cent efficacy in late-stage trials. this is followed by news from u.s. biotech company moderna that its candidate vaccine came in slightly better at a 94.5 per cent efficacy, while oxford university’s vaccine trials — done in partnership with astrazeneca, showed an overall effectiveness of 70.4 per cent.



as pfizer and moderna seek approval from canada’s regulators for emergency use of their vaccine, the world breathes a cautious collective sigh of relief as ontario’s health minister says canada can expect to start receiving vaccines in january 2020 . covid in canada: 378,139 cases

december 2020  it’s beginning to feel a lot like christmas. kidding. early december sees the number of covid-19 cases blow past 400k and while the canadian government reviews trial data from four vaccine candidates, canadians begin to wrap their heads around the fact that christmas dinner will be had with family over zoom. days later, canadians see health canada approve the pfizer vaccine , becoming the second country in the world to greenlight the vaccine behind the united kingdom. as the provinces plan a rollout , canadians wonder about safety and side effects , while experts worry about complicated logistics like storage and supply . but we aren’t out of the woods yet: that u.k. mutant variant of covid-19 we heard about in september? it’s now the dominant type of covid being detected in parts of london, prompting the canadian government to suspend flights from the u.k. as case counts surge there. unfortunately, as of dec 27, canada already has four cases . about one-third of covid-19 survivors continue to struggle with ‘long-haul’ side effects like fatigue, loss of sense of taste and smell and shortness of breath. covid in canada as of dec. 30: 572,982  cases



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