
shingles rash, symptoms and treatment

shingles, the painful relative of chicken pox, is on the rise. here's a look at treatment and vaccines

shingles symptoms, treatment and vaccine
shingles cases are increasing in canada. getty
despite the availability of vaccines to treat shingles, the painful relative of chicken pox, is on the rise. about 130,000 canadians are diagnosed with shingles each year, and the numbers are on the rise.

what is shingles?

shingles is the commonly used name for herpes zoster, an infection caused by the same virus — varicella zoster — that causes chicken pox. you get shingles when that virus is reactivated in the itchy, tingly, painful rash, shingles usually flares up when a person’s immune system is weakened, which is why it is much more common in people over 50 or in people who have other conditions that weaken the immune system such as cancer, hiv and aids.

what are the symptoms of shingles?

a shingles rash can occur anywhere on the body, but it usually appears in one large strip up either the right or left side of the body. according to the mayo clinic, “pain is usually the first symptom of shingles. for some, it can be intense. depending on the location of the pain, it can sometimes be mistaken for a symptom of problems affecting the heart, lungs or kidneys. some people experience shingles pain without ever developing the rash.”the pain that occurs around the rash also lasts much longer than with chicken pox — people with shingles can experience pain for a month or more, and it can be severe enough to interfere with daily activities.other symptoms include fever, headache and fatigue.

treatment for shingles

shingles is usually treated with antiviral medication and has better results the earlier it’s diagnosed. some people may require medication to help manage pain and swelling as well. taking a cool bath and using cold compresses on blisters can also help ease itching and discomfort.

who is at risk of getting shingles

while anyone who has had chicken pox is at risk of developing shingles, people over the age of 50, those with a weakened immune system, people who are undergoing cancer treatment, and those who are taking drugs to prevent the rejection of transplanted organs can also have shingles.

complications of shingles

shingles can have a long-lasting impact. some people continue to experience pain even after the blisters have cleared up — sometimes for years. ophthalmic shingles, those in or around an eye can cause an eye infection or vision loss. shingles can also cause neurological issues such as inflammation of the brain, balance problems and facial paralysis.

how to prevent shingles

there are multiple shingles vaccines available in canada and they are recommended for people over 50. while you can still get shingles even if you are vaccinated, the chances are four to 12 times less likely than if you are not. people with a weakened immune system, those receiving cancer treatment like chemotherapy or radiation, or people who have had cancer in their bone marrow, like leukemia or lymphoma, shouldn’t get the vaccine.while the cause of the rising cases of shingles are not clear, dr. shelly mcneil, chair of immunize canada and head of the infectious disease division at the nova scotia health authority, told global news that aging baby boomers who are now in a high-risk demographic, as well as lower numbers of chickenpox among vaccinated kids which lowers adult immunity may be two factors driving the increase.don’t miss the latest on covid-19, reopening and life. subscribe to healthing’s daily newsletter covid life.  


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