
nicknamed 'chicken skin', keratosis pilaris often requires medical-grade skincare

lasers or peels can reduce redness and improve the bumpy texture of skin, but they should never be the first line of treatment.

'chicken skin' - keratosis pilaris often requires medical skincare
while exfoliation, glycolic acid and moisturizing products can softening and flatten the keratotic papules and are considered effective first-line treatments, they won’t relieve the irritation. getty
keratosis pilaris is a skin condition that can affect people of all ages, genders and races. it is sometimes nicknamed “chicken skin” due to the rough skin texture and the appearance of patches of goosebumps that are often red or darkly pigmented and sometimes itchy.the underlying cause of keratosis pilaris is thought to be genetic, with affected individuals creating an excessive build-up of keratin — a structural protein — which then clogs the hair follicles of the skin.keratosis pilaris typically develops in childhood or adolescence, and is most commonly found on the upper arms and thighs, but can affect any part of the body. it also often worsens in the winter with dryer conditions and friction from thicker clothing, which causes the redness and keratin build-up to increase, leading to further irritation. it can get worse during pregnancy, likely due to hormonal changes.statistically speaking, keratosis pilaris affects as many as one in three children, and it’s thought of as a untreatable condition that patients resolve with age, typically in the third or fourth decade of their life. this means that oftentimes, someone who develops keratosis pilaris will continue to experience symptoms through their cure, but there are treatments
although there is no cure for keratosis pilaris, a number of treatments can improve the appearance of the skin and ease symptoms like redness, bumpy skin, and irritation. at the foundation of any routine to manage keratosis pilaris should be exfoliation and scrubs (or an exfoliating polish), daily use of a rich skin moisturizer (or a deeply hydrating nourishing creme) as well as a good, medical-grade glycolic wash are among the first lines of treatment for keratosis pilaris. keratolytic creams, which help break down excess keratin, often contain urea, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, or a combination of both.while exfoliation, glycolic acid and moisturizing products can softening and flatten the keratotic papules and are considered effective first-line treatments, they won’t relieve the irritation. and while topical retinoid creams like tretinoin or adapalene may also help reduce itching, redness and roughness, they are considered second-line therapy — we would always recommend exfoliation, hydration and a glycolic wash first.when the skin is really itchy, topical steroids can be implemented for a couple of weeks in addition to products containing glycolic acid or 1o percent or more of urea. finally, and only if/when the first line of treatment has failed, oral retinoids and laser therapy can be considered for patients who do not respond to other treatments.depending on the patient’s main concern, lasers or peels can be helpful to reduce redness or improve the rough and bumpy texture of the skin. vascular and yeg lasers can be helpful in targeting redness, while microdermabrasion or chemical peels can be a better option if the main concern is the uneven, bumpy texture from the keratin is important to keep in mind that treatment for keratosis pilaris is not a one-time deal. long-term, ongoing strategies using appropriate, medical-grade skincare is often required to maintain a satisfactory appearance of the skin while easing symptoms.


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