dr. hu.: shingles is basically a reactivation of chickenpox and, you know, almost everybody has had chickenpox at some point in their lives, putting people at risk of shingles. what it generally causes more so in older adults is a really painful rash and sometimes complications like a long-lasting nerve pain — which is really nasty to get.
what are the signs of shingles?
dr. h.: classically speaking, shingles will give you a rash along a line on your torso. but sometimes on some parts of your body, before the rash starts you may get a painful sensation or a tingling sensation. that will become more intense as the rash develops. generally, it’s a very painful rash. there are complications of shingles, one of which is postherpetic neuralgia, where even after the rash is gone, the pain can last. that can be debilitating and it can last for years. there are also more unusual complications. singer
justin bieber, for example, had a complication of shingles linked to infection of some of the nerves on his face — so there are a lot of things it can do. but no manifestation of it is particularly nice.
how do people develop shingles? what are the risk factors?
dr. h.: basically everybody who’s had chickenpox is at risk of shingles. in terms of how somebody develops it, the risk factors include older age, so people who are over 50 are much more likely to get it. you also see some people in their 30s getting it or younger, like justin bieber. it tends to occur in people who are older. also, people who are immunocompromised are likely to get shingles, so that’s another situation where if your immune system is weak, it’s easier for that virus to reactivate.