“it really does impact the way you see yourself in society, the way you feel about yourself, and then, of course, that will impact how you interact with others. patients may not, if they’re having a flare-up, feel comfortable going to work or going out with friends because they feel like everyone’s just staring,” said dr. gooderham.
leaning on new treatments to find hope
steroids are often a first-line therapy for skin conditions such as sd because they tackle inflammation. however, patients are often weary of using these types of medications for long periods, even if they help, because of the long-term effects.
steroids can only be used for a specific length of time, so when they do work, patients know that when they have to stop, their symptoms will return.
“they get home with a new treatment. it’s helping, and they’re told to stop, and then it all comes back. and now, what are they supposed to do?” said dr. gooderham.
many treatments for sd are also geared toward where on the body it develops, so patients with sd presenting in multiple areas may need several types of treatment, including one for the scalp and one for the face. the cost adds up.
two years ago, natasha, who had been using different products with little to no relief, noticed that her dermatologist had set up a clinical trial for the newer sd drug zoryve. she jumped at the opportunity to try the latest medication available, even though it wasn’t yet on the market.