
a general lack of sleep is severely and negatively affecting all of us

sabrina maddeaux: if you think you’re getting by just fine on four or five hours of sleep, chances are you’re selling yourself short

"you can’t snooze away your sleep-deprivation by sleeping in on the weekend — it’s not like paying off a credit card bill." getty images
by sabrina maddeaux
do you feel tired? run down? like your under-eyes have more baggage than the cargo hold of a boeing 747?
welcome to the club. a tiredness epidemic is sweeping the western world.
in 2014, the stanford pulse institute released the results of a survey that found 76 per cent of workers felt tired on multiple days of the week and 15 per cent actually nodded off on the job at least once per week. type “why am i” into google, and two of the top three autocomplete suggestions are “so tired” and “always tired.”
as this self-formed plague continues to infect the inhabitants of the modern world, the desperate search for a cure has — at least, in part — fuelled the massive wellness industry. it turns out, we’ll try just about anything to feel more energized and alert, including mushroom elixirs, essential oils, lemon water first thing in the morning, iv vitamin drips, light therapy, b12 booster shots, cutting out gluten and putrid sips of apple cider vinegar. goop even sells “why am i so effing tired” vitamin packs, for which a monthly subscription costs $75 usd.
there may be some merit to these solutions, but many people seem to overlook the simplest and most inexpensive one: get more sleep. while most understand inadequate sleep leaves us more sluggish, moody and unmotivated, few truly grasp how far-reaching and dire the effects can be.



the national health service (nhs) in england reports lack of sleep — anything less than eight or nine hours a night — increases risks for obesity, heart disease and diabetes; while also shortening life expectancy. it can lower our immune systems, cause anxiety, depression and other long-term mood disorders, raise our blood pressure, cause inflammation, increase cancer risk and decrease fertility.
the world health organization (who) has declared a “sleep loss epidemic” in industrialized nations and even categorizes night-shift work as a probable carcinogen due to circadian disruption. the epidemic is at its height in japan, where an average night’s sleep is a mere six hours and 22 minutes. there are now common phrases for both falling asleep in public (inemuri) and dying from overworking (karōshi). canada isn’t that far off with an average adult sleep time of seven hours and seven minutes according to statistics canada.
john hopkins sleep researcher patrick finan found adults who clock fewer than seven to nine hours of sleep per night can actually age their brains by three to five years. his findings also suggest the sleep-deprived are three times more likely to catch a cold and 33 per cent more likely to develop dementia. less than five hours per night increases your risk for obesity by a whopping 50 per cent.



drowsy driving accidents kill one person every hour in the u.s.; making it responsible for more vehicular collisions per year than those caused by alcohol and drugs combined. according to aaa’s director for traffic safety and advocacy and research, “driving with having only earned four to five hours of sleep in a 24-hour period can be just as impairing as driving legally drunk.”
even the guinness book of world records has done away with the category of going without sleep because of the overwhelming evidence that it causes immense harm. this, from an organization that awards the longest distance pulled by a horse (full-body burn), heaviest weight pulled with eye sockets and longest wait to jump after parachute (which you’ve already thrown out of the plane) on a 10,000-ft skydive.
post-industrial societies view sleep as a nuisance and even something to brag about restricting: richard branson famously boasts less than six hours a night, martha stewart’s swagger has her clocking four hours of rest and donald trump claims to sleep for only three hours. just about every part of the human body is improved by sleep and impaired by lack of it. unfortunately, it’s only very recently that scientists have begun to grasp this, and what they’ve learned has yet to be widely publicized (what with all the vitamin packs and essential oils to be sold).



this is the way it’s been for centuries: sleep has been grossly misunderstood for much of human history. while ancient egyptians did hone in on its ability to cure various ailments, they also believed the soul traveled beyond the physical body during sleep, bringing people to a state in which they could communicate with the afterlife or even gods. because of this, ancient egyptians placed a great deal of importance on dreams. they even constructed ‘sleep temples’ designed for dream incubation, where a subject would take part in various rituals then sleep overnight in a special dream bed in hopes of receiving advice or healing.
ancient greeks also thought dreams carried messages from gods; that it could used to help predict the future and heal maladies. despite these common beliefs, the greeks also sought to understand sleep rationally. the earliest scientific thoughts on sleep came from greek philosophers who considered it a passive condition, caused by the brain’s isolation from other parts of the body.
alcmaeon of croton, a philosopher and medical theorist in the sixth-century b.c., thought sleep was caused by the withdrawal of blood from the surface of the body and awakening was caused by its return. in third century b.c., aristotle devoted a significant amount of time to addressing sleep in his works. he theorized that the functions of organs can’t be exercised continuously, and so they need to rest. as for the actual biological process that induces sleep? aristotle, along with other philosophers of his era, believed sleep to be caused by vapours that arise from the stomach to the brain after eating, blocking the brain’s pores and temporarily disconnecting it from the rest of the body. they reasoned sleep came quickly and heavily after a big meal because of the larger quantity of vapours.



another popular sleep theory was advanced by early 19th-century french researchers, who were convinced sleep was caused by hypnotoxins or sleep toxins that poisoned the brain.
it’s not an overstatement to say that prior to the middle of the 20th century, we knew close to nothing about sleep. which seems absurd when you consider humans spend approximately one third of their lives sleeping. that’s over 25 years in dreamland. unfortunately, the early consensus that the brain was simply “turned off” during sleep made it an uninteresting subject for researchers.
in 1952, nathaniel kleitman, a physiologist and sleep researcher at the university of chicago, became the first to discover rapid eye movement (rem) using eeg recordings. this forever changed the way we understood what was happening when we weren’t awake. in 1968, sleep-research pioneers allan rechtschaffen and anthony kales published the first manual for scoring the stages of human sleep (rem and four-non rem stages), which are still used by sleep laboratories today. in the early 2000s, scientists could finally produce three-dimensional visualizations of brain activity during rem sleep, which resulted in a wave of discoveries.



one of the most important things we’ve learned is that every human displays a 24-hour circadian rhythm, although that rhythm varies from person to person and is determined by genetics. this means that when people claim to be more inclined to waking up early (morning people) or staying up late (night people), they may in fact be right. in his book why we sleep, matthew walker, director of the center for human sleep science at the university of california at berkeley, writes that morning people account for approximately 40 per cent of the population, while night people account for 30 per cent. the remaining 30 per cent of people land somewhere in between, with a slight lean toward being more of an evening person.
according to walker, this makes evolutionary sense as humans have slept in groups or co-slept as families rather than alone or in couples for most of our history. this dates back to caveman days, but traces all the way through the middle ages when it was extremely rare for anyone except the most wealthy to have separate bedrooms. entire families shared a large sleeping area fashioned from hay or moss in one-room cottages. the natural breakdown of early birds, night owls and in-betweens would mean the entire group would only be asleep (and thus vulnerable) for about four hours per night rather than eight. walker estimates that this translates into a potential 50 per cent increase in survival fitness.



while a morning person can learn to stay up late and a night owl can wake up early, they will never function optimally while fighting their natural circadian rhythm. this is particularly unfortunate for night people, who are put at a disadvantage by current societal norms. modern work schedules largely adhere to early start times that force those inclined to stay up late into an unnatural sleep-wake cycle, one that goes against their dna hardwiring. this, of course, means that evening people tend to be more steadily sleep-deprived and more susceptible to all the ailments and illnesses that come along with it.
further complicating the sleeping patterns of our ancestors was the invention of artificial light. electric light upended our natural cycles by tricking our brains into thinking nighttime is still day. according to walker, artificial light winds back our internal 24-hour clock by two to three hours each evening. if it’s 11 p.m. on the clock, your body is biologically operating as though it’s only 7 p.m. or 8 p.m. this explains why many adults have trouble falling asleep when they turn out the lights. your body is only in that moment registering the darkness, and it typically takes some time for sleep hormones to release in sufficient numbers to work their magic. stephen lockley, a harvard sleep researcher, found even a small bedside lamp or nightlight is powerful enough to disrupt sleep hormones.



the invention of blue leds in 1997 only made things worse. while they may be more energy-efficient, they have twice the impact on sleep hormone suppression as incandescent bulbs. we’re now surrounded by blue light, not just from lightbulbs, but from computers, tablets and phones. studies show that using these electronic devices before bed doesn’t just delay sleep, it takes longer to reach a state of deep sleep (the state with all the benefits) and shortens rem sleep.
making matters even worse is that humans are terrible at judging how sleep-deprived they truly are. walker compares a person suffering from sleep withdrawal to “someone at a bar who has had far too many drinks picking up his car keys and confidently telling you, ‘i’m fine to drive home.’” too often, as in the aforementioned cases of drowsy driving accidents, there are actual car keys involved. but people also underestimate their impairment due to drowsiness when it comes to other mental and physical activities. when there’s been chronic sleep-deprivation, individuals actually reset their baseline so that their state of sluggishness, ill health and mental fatigue becomes their new “normal.”



if you think you’re getting by just fine on four or five hours of sleep, chances are you’re selling yourself short in terms of physical fitness, good health and mental ability.
so what’s a sleep-deprived person to do? the bad news is, no matter what pharmaceutical companies and wellness brands promise, most sleep aids and supplements don’t help. melatonin — perhaps the trendiest sleep supplement — isn’t actually a powerful sleep aid in and of itself. in addition to supplements being largely unregulated — a study in the journal of clinical sleep medicine found melatonin concentrations ranging from 83 per cent less to 478 per cent more than what was stated on labels — the hormone only helps regulate the timing of sleep, and even then, evidence of any benefit remains unclear.
other pharmaceutical solutions like zzzquil or ambien don’t help either because they merely sedate you, rather than induce a natural sleep. as a matter of course, sedation doesn’t grant users the benefits of real sleep. and don’t turn to a nightcap to guide toward dreamland: alcohol produces by-product chemicals that block the ability to generate rem sleep, and it also creates fragmented sleep with multiple wake-ups throughout the night.



you also can’t snooze away your sleep-deprivation by sleeping in on the weekend — it’s not like paying off a credit card bill. power naps aren’t the answer, either. while they may momentarily make you feel more alert, walker says there’s zero research suggesting that a nap helps regain more complex brain functions, such as those needed for driving, learning, decision-making and emotional stability.

one solution might be to cut out coffee, or at least better understand how it affects our bodies. while many have a self-designated caffeine cut-off — say 4 p.m. — the reality is that the quarter-life for caffeine is 12 hours. if you have a single serving of coffee at lunchtime, a quarter of that caffeine is still in your system at midnight. it takes between 24-36 hours for a serving of caffeine to leave your body completely. as you grow older, it takes even longer for caffeine to process through your system.

research by harvard health recommends using red lights for night lights as they have the least impact on circadian rhythms. a 2013 study by researchers at the university of toronto suggests night-shift workers or those who use a lot of electronic devices can benefit greatly from wearing blue-light blocking glasses.



you may also want to turn down your thermostat. our core temperature needs to decrease by about one degree celsius to initiate sleep — a natural occurrence that’s been disrupted by modern temperature control, not to mention layers of bedsheets. you should aim to mimic the natural temperature dips that occur after sunset within the home. according to walker, a bedroom temperature of around 18.3 degrees celsius is ideal for most people.
these seemingly simple, affordable remedies may surprise you in how effective they are in increasing your overall wellness. they might not be as flashy as some of the products out there, but the human body, it turns out, was made to feel good and work well without fancy vegetable-of-the-month juices, intense meditation regimens or various injectables. in our desperate search for a cure to all that ails us, we may very well have overlooked the greatest panacea of all: a good night’s sleep.


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