a few of the important activities that take place when we sleep include, cellular repair, coding the day’s learning into long term memory, muscle-building and hormone regulation — including the release of growth hormone
in fact, journalist po bronson
cites research that shows 10 minutes of missed sleep reduces children’s cognitive performance by two full grades.
so this begs the next question: if we know sleep matters, just how much do your children need? my advice is this: don’t guess — use a
sleep calculator instead. show the results to your children so they don’t think you are changing their bedtime because you are a meanie — it’s very similar to teaching them to eat their fruits and vegetables to make their body healthy.
going to bed is a psychological process
so many parents have trouble with their children’s sleep because they simply don’t understand the science — not just of sleep — but of the entire psychological process of going to bed.
it’s important to create a great sleep routine and follow it nightly with consistency, getting kids into a pattern that induces sleep, in a bedroom that is conducive to sleep. here are the steps you need to take:
- determine how much sleep your child needs from the sleep calculator
- work backwards to make a bedtime ritual with your child, don’t simply impose one
- the schedule should include a calming winding down of the day (no screens or stressors 30 min before bed). the brain will start shifting into sleep mode as it recognizes the routine over time
- bedrooms should be pitch black, cool verging on chilly and quiet (or white noise).
- bedrooms should only be associated as a place to sleep, so get kids to do homework, gaming, or tv in the family room or rec room instead.
those are the basics. now it’s up to the last variable: are you as a parent able to hold a boundary? each of your kids is pushing your boundaries and you are caving in to their behaviours and moving the boundary. you are not alone. when experts investigate kids and their sleep issues, the biggest culprit is parents who can’t set and maintain boundaries.