
couples who sleep apart reap the health benefits

researchers discovered that more than 25% of couples opt for separate sleep spaces.

by: denette wilfordthe couple that sleeps together isn’t necessarily healthy together.the reason? sleep incompatibility.from mattress preferences to comforter hogs, if the differences equal the amount of sleep disturbances, it might be time to considering getting a sleep divorce.dramatic enough for you?separate beds will not only save a relationship but save your health, allowing for a deeper, more beneficial sleep, according to a survey conducted by the better sleep council.their research discovered that more than 25% of couples opt for separate sleep spaces. for some, it meant sleeping in different rooms, while others opted for two beds in the same room.the survey found that women’s sleep suffers more than men’s, as “women are more sensitive to their sleep environment.”also, aging leads to more distance in bed, according to the survey, with 16% of those 55-and-older more likely to sleep in separate bedrooms.that’s more than double than the 35-to-54 demographic (7%) and significantly higher than those in the 18-to-34 group (3%).they’ll figure it out soon enough. but for now, they can enjoy it while it lasts.while many believe sleeping in separate beds is a sign that a relationship is on the rocks, it’s actually the contrary.the better sleep council’s survey found that, on average, one in three americans said their bed partner has a negative impact on their own sleep.sleep deprivation is connected to numerous health issues including diabetes, obesity, heart disease and depression, as well as other issues such as irritability, poorer job satisfaction and, yes, relationship matters.on the other hand, dr. frida rångtell, a sleep educator and science advisor at sleep cycle, believes couples sleep better between the same sheets compared to those who sleep on their own.“several studies on heterosexual couples indicate that partners sleeping together in the same bed can have various degrees of synchronization of their wake-sleep patterns,” rångtell told the sun.“bed-sharing with a partner can also increase the amount spent in the rem sleep stage during the night.”that rem, or rapid eye movement sleep stage, is where your brain activity is increased, your sleep isn’t as deep, but it’s when you experience your most intense dreams.rångtell did admit there are times when bed-sharing with a partner can be annoying.“a snoring partner, a partner that goes to bed very late, or who suffers from insomnia can make it problematic to share bed or even share a bedroom,” she said, but reassured that it’s not necessarily a sign of relationship trouble.rather, it’s a way to save one.“feeling rested is such an integral part of life, health, and can even be helpful for your relationships, that it can outweigh the accepted norm of sleeping together,” she added.“whether deciding to bed-share or not can be an act of love and respect for yourself and your partner, and may in the long run strengthen the relationship.”


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