red in your urine is suggestive of blood, which is alarming to people and one of the big reasons they see their doctor. it could [indicate] bladder cancer or some sort of malignancy within your urinary tract.
i still do ask people if they’ve eaten a lot of beets, although they can usually tell the difference when their urine is dark red and they haven’t eaten a lot of beets.
will peeing on a jellyfish sting or snake bite ease the pain?
that’s not going to do much for you. there are things within the urine that will anesthetize the jellyfish, so that actually is true with some jellyfish. [the cleveland clinic maintains peeing on a jellyfish sting can actually
make it worse.] the snake bite, no. if you have a snake bite you need to get help right away.
and what about the age-old question about cranberry juice curing bladder infections?
cranberry juice is a very acidic drink and if you drink enough of it your urine will become more acidic. and if your urine is more acidic then you have less chance of having a bladder infection because bacteria can’t grow as well in an acidic environment.
however, cranberry juice is high in [the compound] oxalate, which is the partner to calcium in a stone. so yes, cranberry juice can help prevent — not treat — urinary tract infections, but it can cause [kidney] stones, and which would you rather have?