researchers at the university of toronto are hoping to identify how cannabis use may influence oral health among canada’s indigenous do that, a multidisciplinary team has been awarded a five-year, $1.5-million grant from the canadian institutes of health research,
according to u of t. the goal is to provide first evidence of the oral health risks associated with cannabis use in the country’s indigenous populations.the university team will work in partnership with indigenous communities and public health authorities in manitoba, ontario and alberta. study participants will be monitored for changes in their oral health and oral microbiome, including inflammation, pre-cancerous lesions and cancers of the mouth, head and neck, as well as changes in oral and facial sensory function.research findings indicate that there are oral health risks associated with using cannabis, including an increase in periodontal diseases, the university reports.“current evidence shows that smoking cannabis is harmful to the health of the periodontium,” notes a
summary of 23 articles published by the canadian dental association earlier this year. noting that existing evidence of the association between smoking cannabis and other oral disease is sparse and inconsistent, “studies suggest that cannabis smoking is an underlying risk factor.”the dry mouth that often accompanies smoking cannabis “can contribute to a number of oral health conditions,”
notes the american dental association, adding that “thc, is an appetite stimulant, which often leads users to consume cariogenic snack foods.”