you may have heard the horror stories of the toenail gone rogue: a once normal toenail becomes a painful nightmare as the edges start to curl and pierce the skin.
it’s called an ingrown toenail, and at best, it is very uncomfortable and painful. but at it’s worst, it could mean surgery.
what is an ingrown toenail?
an ingrown toenail is a common condition that occurs when the corners or edges of the nail curve and grow into the skin next to the nail. though the big toe is most likely to get an ingrown nail, it can happen to any toe. and though they can cause significant pain, ingrown toenails are usually treated quite easily. but untreated, they can lead to a severe infection.
what causes an ingrown toenail?
there are several causes of ingrown toenails, but the most common is
improper cutting of the nail
. if you cut the nail at an angle on the sides, you may be promoting growth into the skin on either side. the best way to cut your toenails is straight across the top.
ingrown toenails can also be hereditary — some people are simply born with irregular, curved toenails.
other causes include
footwear that is too narrow or tight that restricts the big toe, damage to the toe or nail following an injury and improper foot hygiene (not keeping your feet dry or clean).