have sex. a “use it or lose it” approach to vaginal health is not a myth. sexual activity (with or without a partner) and regular orgasms keeps blood flow and energy directed to our pelvic region and that helps to produce natural vaginal lubrication. this may sound like more of a preventative approach, as women who are already experiencing dryness often find sex uncomfortable or painful.
practice regular pelvic floor exercise. see a pelvic floor physiotherapist at least once per year. our pelvic health must be a priority as it is responsible for our bladder health, bowel health, sexual health and more. it’s important for all women to exercise their pelvic floor correctly and consistently, and this requires the guidance of a professional.
moisturize. as part of a regular routine, you can prevent and treat vaginal dryness by moisturizing your vagina — just like you moisturize your hands, face, feet and elbows. a vaginal moisturizer is not the same thing as a lubricant or coconut oil. while lubricants should be used for pleasure and fun, a vaginal moisturizer works to restore natural moisture to the cells of the vagina wall.
another effective way of preventing or reversing vaginal dryness is by moisturizing with hyaluronic acid. hyaluronic acid has been a popular ingredient in beauty and skincare products since 2003. in 2013, research showed it is effective for vaginal dryness too. this is because hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring compound made by our own bodies, but it starts to decline around age 40.
last year, members of the menopause chicks community asked me to research new options for treating vaginal dryness as they were frustrated by the lack of vaginal health education, the lack of conversation with their health care professional (less than 4% of women who experience vaginal dryness receive treatment) and too many women were assuming vaginal dryness was something they had to tolerate.
we took our members’ concerns to an integrative pharmacy and co-developed a hyaluronic acid vaginal moisturizer that only contains hyaluronic acid and vitamin e which thousands of women are now reporting effective.
laser therapy is an option too. every woman is at a different age and stage. some women have been living with vaginal dryness for years — even decades. my message to them is that it is never too late to address this important area of our health. laser therapy — at home or via treatments in a qualified doctor’s office — is also an effective option.
looking for more information on this important women’s health topic? join me & dr. lori brotto for omgyes! conversations about women’s sexual desire & pleasure in midlife! july 23
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