
2024 year in review: patient stories

here are some of healthing's favourite uplifting and inspiring patient stories from 2024.

now in grade 11, nico boffa is learning about photography and filmmaking, has joined school clubs, loves science and physics, and excels at track and field, especially running. supplied
the patient journey is a testament to resilience, love, and the power of hope. while challenges may arise, these stories remind us of the strength found in community, the breakthroughs in care, and the triumphs of the human spirit. here are some of healthing’s favourite uplifting and inspiring patient stories from 2024.

angelica bottaro

what it feels like: ‘i live in the moment’ after breakthrough treatment for brain cancer

steven was diagnosed with a brain tumour so early in life, and his resilience is a true testament to how formidable people can be in the face of adversity. his story highlights both his strength as well as the modern breakthroughs occurring in medicine that show we’re moving in the right direction when it comes to treating often life-threatening illnesses and diseases.

what it feels like: ‘only another cancer patient can understand the fears’ after getting diagnosed with melanoma

for this story, i got to interview mike and his wife, who was his caregiver during his melanoma journey. mike’s story means a lot to me because of his humour. after going through the harrowing ordeal of being diagnosed with skin cancer and being forced out of his life-long career as a rodeo photographer, where he spent days in the sun, he still managed to maintain a sense of humour and a positive attitude. his approach to life after the diagnosis and treatment is an inspiration.
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karen hawthorne

what it feels like: learning how to be yourself with autism

nico boffa is an exceptional teen who demonstrates how neurodiversity can in many ways be a gift. living with autism isn’t easy, but you can learn to appreciate your abilities. nico is a natural talent on piano, for example, and sees rhythms in nature. i talked with nico and his mom for the interview and felt the ease and love between them. all this made me wonder how my own son thinks about his own differences and abilities living with autism and how i can help him feel appreciated for who he is.

living with obesity stigma: celebrity chef rodney bowers uses his platform for change

chef rodney bowers decided that he could be the nice guy first to reduce the chance of someone bullying him or saying something less than kind and empathetic about the extra weight he’s always carried throughout his life. i can only imagine that intense pressure to smile first and foremost and always be the nicest guy in the room, and how that strategy would always be top of mind. that would be his armour against a world driven by obesity stigma and superiority of the slim. this piece, with expert commentary from dr. sean wharton, is beautifully written by our lead editor angelica bottaro and the best story i’ve read about living in a large body.
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andrew robichaud

what it feels like: cervical cancer, hpv awareness and the power of family

cindy howard’s story stands out to me because her self-advocacy and showing how important it is to fight for your healthcare. after being diagnosed with cervical cancer, cindy went through a roller coaster of emotions, tests, treatment plans and healing—and she never quit. now she fights to raise awareness around cervical cancer and hpv. it’s people like cindy—people with lived experience, advocates, members of patient associations, etc.—that make a difference in the lives of others, whether they are looking for support and resources, or just someone to talk to.

what it feels like: facing stage 4 lung cancer – ‘the hardest thing i ever had to do was share the news with my kids’

in the face of a terrifying diagnosis, john thought about his children. hearing john’s story broke my heart but it also showed me what it is to be a loving parent and someone who wouldn’t let fear get in their way. i was inspired by his heart and commitment to healing and really love the way this story brings this to light. john’s children and his wife are lucky to have him and we are grateful to be able to share his story.
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