it all really took a toll; i was really feeling beaten down and i was anxious and depressed. that that was really, really tough. i did two of those injections just to last me until i could get home, and then less than a week after i finished my last exam i had my surgery.
did the medication that induced menopause help with the pain?
yeah, totally. i didn’t have any pain. it was the side effects that were fairly unbearable. the hot flashes, the nausea, the night sweats, the insomnia, everything. but i was eighteen and i didn’t understand it. no one understood it; there was no one really in my circle i could turn to.
even in between my specialist appointments, i would see my family doctor and he didn’t even know how to give me that injection. he had to read the whole instruction manual in the box. i didn’t know what the next week of side effects was going to be. i had no idea how i was going to manage. it was really tough. everything was very unknown; i just felt so alone. i felt like i couldn’t share with anyone.
mentally, how did you cope with all of these symptoms?
a lot of it was just really hard for me to even work through. it’s hard to distinguish what i’m feeling versus what the medications were doing to me. like, was i feeling anxious because i am anxious and i do have anxiety? or was i feeling that because that’s listed as the second most common side effects of the medication? same thing with that memory loss part; am i losing my mind? am i forgetting things?