

burning questions: the top advice columns of the year

wiping etiquette, chronic cheating, and an age-old question make the 'asking for a friend' roundup
dec 30 2020

advice: the pitfalls of nose-picking

digging for gold may be a comfortable way to pass the time, but you may be leaving your schnoz open to infection.
maja begovic
dec 18 2020

advice: do i need birth control if i have hot flashes?

even though fertility declines as a woman approaches menopause, pregnancy is still possible.
maja begovic
dec 11 2020

advice: my pap test is abnormal. is that bad?

the immune system is usually able to clear hpv on its own, but follow-up testing is important.
maja begovic
dec 4 2020

advice: i am a guy and i have to pee. a lot

frequent bathroom breaks aren't just for women and could be a sign of a urinary tract infection or diabetes.
maja begovic
nov 27 2020

advice: is cbd a good option for anxiety?

though cbd can help with pain, nausea and post-traumatic syndrome, it's not for everyone.
maja begovic
nov 20 2020

advice: should i worry about occasional ed?

don't worry, but don't ignore it
maja begovic
nov 13 2020

advice: why do i suddenly have an allergy to shellfish?

people with a history of other allergies are most likely to develop new ones.
maja begovic
nov 6 2020
powered by
migraine canada
powered by
movember canada

burning questions: the top advice columns of the year

wiping etiquette, chronic cheating, and an age-old question make the 'asking for a friend' roundup
dec 30 2020

advice: the pitfalls of nose-picking

digging for gold may be a comfortable way to pass the time, but you may be leaving your schnoz open to infection.
maja begovic
dec 18 2020

advice: do i need birth control if i have hot flashes?

even though fertility declines as a woman approaches menopause, pregnancy is still possible.
maja begovic
dec 11 2020

advice: my pap test is abnormal. is that bad?

the immune system is usually able to clear hpv on its own, but follow-up testing is important.
maja begovic
dec 4 2020

advice: i am a guy and i have to pee. a lot

frequent bathroom breaks aren't just for women and could be a sign of a urinary tract infection or diabetes.
maja begovic
nov 27 2020

advice: is cbd a good option for anxiety?

though cbd can help with pain, nausea and post-traumatic syndrome, it's not for everyone.
maja begovic
nov 20 2020

advice: should i worry about occasional ed?

don't worry, but don't ignore it
maja begovic
nov 13 2020

advice: why do i suddenly have an allergy to shellfish?

people with a history of other allergies are most likely to develop new ones.
maja begovic
nov 6 2020
powered by
migraine canada

