
blood cancer

‘cure is not enough’: young cancer survivors face a shorter lifespan

researchers have found that adolescents and young adult survivors of cancer experience side effects and lack of access to quality health care that impacts overall survival.
dave yasvinski
may 16 2022

as told to: a london, ont. family shares their story of survival and resilience in the face of childhood cancer

'you’ve got to take it not even day by day, but minute by minute and just keep moving forward,' says the wynette family of getting through nine-year-old nash's bout with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
as told to sadaf ahsan
mar 23 2022

stem cell study identifies genes that may better the odds for people with blood disorders

research findings may also help in the treatment of sickle cell anemia, hiv, and some forms of cancer.
chris arnold
mar 7 2022

fda approves janssen's cancer therapy for people with myeloma

the treatment offers hope for patients who have already undergone four or more other lines of therapy.
chris arnold
mar 3 2022

u.s. leukemia patient first woman to be cured of hiv with stem cell transplant

scientists are optimistic, while dr. anthony fauci cautions people with hiv not to "get their hopes up."
chris arnold
feb 17 2022

former cabinet minister opens up about lymphoma diagnosis

former liberal cabinet minister deb schulte has had a l...
maija kappler
oct 26 2021

annual multiple myeloma march goes virtual

this year, participants were encouraged to hold their own five-kilometre walk or run in their neighbourhood.
windsor star
sep 27 2021

the day i became a patient

disease awareness days, like world cml day, are stark reminders of how important access to treatment is.
lisa machado
sep 22 2021
powered by
the leukemia & lymphoma society of canada (llsc)
powered by
obesity matters
powered by
canadian society for exercise physiology

‘cure is not enough’: young cancer survivors face a shorter lifespan

researchers have found that adolescents and young adult survivors of cancer experience side effects and lack of access to quality health care that impacts overall survival.
dave yasvinski
may 16 2022

as told to: a london, ont. family shares their story of survival and resilience in the face of childhood cancer

'you’ve got to take it not even day by day, but minute by minute and just keep moving forward,' says the wynette family of getting through nine-year-old nash's bout with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
as told to sadaf ahsan
mar 23 2022

stem cell study identifies genes that may better the odds for people with blood disorders

research findings may also help in the treatment of sickle cell anemia, hiv, and some forms of cancer.
chris arnold
mar 7 2022

fda approves janssen's cancer therapy for people with myeloma

the treatment offers hope for patients who have already undergone four or more other lines of therapy.
chris arnold
mar 3 2022
powered by
the leukemia & lymphoma society of canada (llsc)

u.s. leukemia patient first woman to be cured of hiv with stem cell transplant

scientists are optimistic, while dr. anthony fauci cautions people with hiv not to "get their hopes up."
chris arnold
feb 17 2022

former cabinet minister opens up about lymphoma diagnosis

former liberal cabinet minister deb schulte has had a l...
maija kappler
oct 26 2021

annual multiple myeloma march goes virtual

this year, participants were encouraged to hold their own five-kilometre walk or run in their neighbourhood.
windsor star
sep 27 2021

the day i became a patient

disease awareness days, like world cml day, are stark reminders of how important access to treatment is.
lisa machado
sep 22 2021
powered by
obesity matters

