
breast cancer

canadian researchers develop new type of mri that makes cancer easier to detect

tested on people with prostate cancer, the technique increases the chances of earlier diagnosis.
dave yasvinski
mar 23 2022

scotland's 'significant leap forward’: two breast cancer drugs approved; england urged to follow suit

canada has already approved the treatments which can slow progression of her2-positive breast cancer.
emma jones
jan 19 2022

'a sacrificial lamb': breast cancer survivors, advocates call for an end to restricting mammograms

the breast screening guidelines from the canadian task force on preventive health care, which included no breast cancer experts, were largely based on a flawed study.
sadaf ahsan
dec 10 2021

macneil-lebeau: beware of ‘pinkwashing’ — why a breast cancer awareness campaign leaves this survivor boiling mad

the little ribbon that appears on products and services is not regulated or protected. the promises companies make about donations to fighting cancer may very well be empty.
anyse macneil-lebeau
dec 1 2021

shift: 'imagine women waiting for years while their cancer grows just because of some rule'

a new study has identified flaws in data used to develop breast screening criteria, a mistake that experts say may have caused the deaths of more than 400 canadian women annually.
lisa machado
nov 29 2021

new research calls key study, and breast screening guidelines, into question

the canadian national breast screening study -- a large, randomized control study -- has long been considered the gold standard and continues to influence policy.
elizabeth payne
nov 29 2021

'how could this have been allowed?': breast cancer screening study vilified for flaws

dr. jean seely, a professor of radiology at the university of ottawa, is calling for women age 40 and up to get regular mammograms.
chris arnold
nov 25 2021

smart bras, molecular imaging and genome sequencing: innovations take on breast cancer

the goal is to refine screening approaches for the general population. right now, women turn 50 and start having mammograms.
healthy debate
nov 16 2021
powered by
obesity canada
powered by
diabetes canada

canadian researchers develop new type of mri that makes cancer easier to detect

tested on people with prostate cancer, the technique increases the chances of earlier diagnosis.
dave yasvinski
mar 23 2022

scotland's 'significant leap forward’: two breast cancer drugs approved; england urged to follow suit

canada has already approved the treatments which can slow progression of her2-positive breast cancer.
emma jones
jan 19 2022

'a sacrificial lamb': breast cancer survivors, advocates call for an end to restricting mammograms

the breast screening guidelines from the canadian task force on preventive health care, which included no breast cancer experts, were largely based on a flawed study.
sadaf ahsan
dec 10 2021

macneil-lebeau: beware of ‘pinkwashing’ — why a breast cancer awareness campaign leaves this survivor boiling mad

the little ribbon that appears on products and services is not regulated or protected. the promises companies make about donations to fighting cancer may very well be empty.
anyse macneil-lebeau
dec 1 2021
powered by
obesity canada

shift: 'imagine women waiting for years while their cancer grows just because of some rule'

a new study has identified flaws in data used to develop breast screening criteria, a mistake that experts say may have caused the deaths of more than 400 canadian women annually.
lisa machado
nov 29 2021

new research calls key study, and breast screening guidelines, into question

the canadian national breast screening study -- a large, randomized control study -- has long been considered the gold standard and continues to influence policy.
elizabeth payne
nov 29 2021

'how could this have been allowed?': breast cancer screening study vilified for flaws

dr. jean seely, a professor of radiology at the university of ottawa, is calling for women age 40 and up to get regular mammograms.
chris arnold
nov 25 2021

smart bras, molecular imaging and genome sequencing: innovations take on breast cancer

the goal is to refine screening approaches for the general population. right now, women turn 50 and start having mammograms.
healthy debate
nov 16 2021
powered by
diabetes canada

