
heart health

blood clots: do you know the signs?

some risk factors for developing a blood clot include major surgery, a broken leg or hip bone, as well as varicose veins.
dave yasvinski
may 27 2022

a cerebellar stroke: what it feels like

when george myette woke up one morning and had trouble finding his balance, he thought it may just be a case of vertigo. it was much more serious than that.
emma jones
may 19 2022

hypertension: a preventable cause of premature death and disability

also known has high blood pressure, hypertension is called a 'silent killer' because there are no symptoms.
vanessa hrvatin
may 17 2022

asking for a friend: is flossing really that important?

you may not love the feeling of sliding thin string in between your teeth, but the experts say flossing is critical not only to oral health, but can also prevent serious diseases.
karen hawthorne
may 13 2022

17-years-old and living with pulmonary hypertension

brin marks was told that she wouldn't live past age 17, but soon, she will be graduating from high school. "seeing her walk across that stage is going to be amazing," says her mom.
vanessa hrvatin
may 5 2022

symptoms of hypertension and high blood pressure: do you know the signs?

around 7.5 million canadians have high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, making it one of the leading risks for death and disability in the country.
dave yasvinski
may 4 2022

researchers say cannabis use may be linked to heart disease

frequent cannabis smokers were also more likely to have their first heart attack before age 50.
maria loreto, the fresh toast
may 3 2022
powered by
canadian society for exercise physiology
powered by
canadian digestive health foundation
powered by
canadian centre for caregiving excellence

blood clots: do you know the signs?

some risk factors for developing a blood clot include major surgery, a broken leg or hip bone, as well as varicose veins.
dave yasvinski
may 27 2022

a cerebellar stroke: what it feels like

when george myette woke up one morning and had trouble finding his balance, he thought it may just be a case of vertigo. it was much more serious than that.
emma jones
may 19 2022

hypertension: a preventable cause of premature death and disability

also known has high blood pressure, hypertension is called a 'silent killer' because there are no symptoms.
vanessa hrvatin
may 17 2022
powered by
canadian society for exercise physiology

asking for a friend: is flossing really that important?

you may not love the feeling of sliding thin string in between your teeth, but the experts say flossing is critical not only to oral health, but can also prevent serious diseases.
karen hawthorne
may 13 2022

17-years-old and living with pulmonary hypertension

brin marks was told that she wouldn't live past age 17, but soon, she will be graduating from high school. "seeing her walk across that stage is going to be amazing," says her mom.
vanessa hrvatin
may 5 2022

symptoms of hypertension and high blood pressure: do you know the signs?

around 7.5 million canadians have high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, making it one of the leading risks for death and disability in the country.
dave yasvinski
may 4 2022

researchers say cannabis use may be linked to heart disease

frequent cannabis smokers were also more likely to have their first heart attack before age 50.
maria loreto, the fresh toast
may 3 2022
powered by
canadian digestive health foundation

