

patty thille: the resolve to be thinner and fitter this year won’t lead to salvation

opinion: pro-thinness and anti-fatness rely on two core assumptions, that all bodies can be thin through self-discipline with food and exercise, and body size simply reflects personality and commitments to social norms.
patty thille
jan 3 2020

comment: put the money in the hands of those who can treat autism

deciding to increase funding from $300m to $600m in ontario was the easy part. creating the capacity to help far more children won’t be so simple
randall denley, postmedia
jan 2 2020

comment: inuit babies deserve drugs to protect them from respiratory illness

our history of neglect on indigenous matters is legendary. surely each inuit infant should have the same chance at life as any other canadian-born baby
bernie farber, national post
jan 2 2020

my year on death row: inside canada's 'other opioid epidemic'

'for you, too, catastrophe is just a car crash away. you’d be nuts to toss an old opiate fill, maybe that one you didn’t finish after dental surgery. it’s not like you’re going to get more if you need it'
dawn rae downton, national post
jan 2 2020

why being happy during the holidays can be complicated

spreading cheer can be awkward and weird around people who are sad or scared or sick. but awkward and weird doesn't mean you shouldn't try. in fact, you must try.
lisa machado
dec 31 2019
powered by
canadian society for exercise physiology
powered by
migraine canada

patty thille: the resolve to be thinner and fitter this year won’t lead to salvation

opinion: pro-thinness and anti-fatness rely on two core assumptions, that all bodies can be thin through self-discipline with food and exercise, and body size simply reflects personality and commitments to social norms.
patty thille
jan 3 2020

comment: put the money in the hands of those who can treat autism

deciding to increase funding from $300m to $600m in ontario was the easy part. creating the capacity to help far more children won’t be so simple
randall denley, postmedia
jan 2 2020

comment: inuit babies deserve drugs to protect them from respiratory illness

our history of neglect on indigenous matters is legendary. surely each inuit infant should have the same chance at life as any other canadian-born baby
bernie farber, national post
jan 2 2020

my year on death row: inside canada's 'other opioid epidemic'

'for you, too, catastrophe is just a car crash away. you’d be nuts to toss an old opiate fill, maybe that one you didn’t finish after dental surgery. it’s not like you’re going to get more if you need it'
dawn rae downton, national post
jan 2 2020
powered by
canadian society for exercise physiology

why being happy during the holidays can be complicated

spreading cheer can be awkward and weird around people who are sad or scared or sick. but awkward and weird doesn't mean you shouldn't try. in fact, you must try.
lisa machado
dec 31 2019
powered by
migraine canada

