
reproductive health

even pregnant women are judged for gaining weight

people often assume that because weight gain is a natural part pregnancy, women aren’t stigmatized for it. that's not true.
vanessa hrvatin
oct 14 2021

opinion: it's time to scrap the traditional pap test

canada must switch to oncogenic primary human papillomavirus (hpv) screening now to save hundreds of lives.
healthy debate
oct 7 2021

amy schumer has uterus and appendix removed

the actor and comedian revealed her decision to have surgery to relieve painful symptoms of endometriosis.
emma jones
sep 23 2021

breastfeeding moms ok to get mrna shots: study

a study of mothers who received the pfizer and moderna vaccines found no serious adverse effects in the recipients of their milk.
dave yasvinski
sep 9 2021

sunlight leads to more sex, study says

the ultraviolet radiation in sunlight can increase attraction and willingness to engage in intercourse, researchers say.
dave yasvinski
aug 26 2021

would you choose a good meal over sex?

new research looks at the age-old behavioural conflict, the impulse to mate and the urge to eat.
dave yasvinski
aug 9 2021

wanted: relief from hot flashes

a plant-based menu reduced moderate-to-intense hot flashes by a whopping 84 per cent, according to study.
dave yasvinski
jul 19 2021

pregnancy through a pandemic photo project captures unique time

during a pandemic pregnancy, many moms-to-be have experienced isolation. a new photography project commemorates that experience
vancouver sun
jul 6 2021
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save your skin foundation
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diabetes canada

even pregnant women are judged for gaining weight

people often assume that because weight gain is a natural part pregnancy, women aren’t stigmatized for it. that's not true.
vanessa hrvatin
oct 14 2021

opinion: it's time to scrap the traditional pap test

canada must switch to oncogenic primary human papillomavirus (hpv) screening now to save hundreds of lives.
healthy debate
oct 7 2021

amy schumer has uterus and appendix removed

the actor and comedian revealed her decision to have surgery to relieve painful symptoms of endometriosis.
emma jones
sep 23 2021

breastfeeding moms ok to get mrna shots: study

a study of mothers who received the pfizer and moderna vaccines found no serious adverse effects in the recipients of their milk.
dave yasvinski
sep 9 2021
powered by
save your skin foundation

sunlight leads to more sex, study says

the ultraviolet radiation in sunlight can increase attraction and willingness to engage in intercourse, researchers say.
dave yasvinski
aug 26 2021

would you choose a good meal over sex?

new research looks at the age-old behavioural conflict, the impulse to mate and the urge to eat.
dave yasvinski
aug 9 2021

wanted: relief from hot flashes

a plant-based menu reduced moderate-to-intense hot flashes by a whopping 84 per cent, according to study.
dave yasvinski
jul 19 2021

pregnancy through a pandemic photo project captures unique time

during a pandemic pregnancy, many moms-to-be have experienced isolation. a new photography project commemorates that experience
vancouver sun
jul 6 2021

