
sexual health

sex and 'fighting for joy' amid the pandemic

covid-19 has stalled many sex lives, but it's also encouraging conversations about sex and pleasure among some.
healthy debate
mar 16 2021

the surprising medical history of the vibrator

early ads offered it up as a cure 'for all disease of the mid-quarters from neck to knee.' insert wink.
sadaf ahsan
mar 4 2021

pap tests hold clues for 'silent killer'

ovarian cancer is often mistaken for other conditions, delaying treatment and resulting poor outcomes.
dave yasvinski
feb 10 2021

vagisil’s new omv! products for teens slammed by docs

one expert says marketing to young women 'plants the seed of thinking that this is a dirty part of the body.'
vanessa hrvatin
feb 10 2021

case study: the painful world of sex headaches

a twenty-four-year-old man suffered headaches whenever he watched pornography.
dave yasvinski
feb 4 2021

history of lubricant: it goes back to 600 bc

mashed yams make an early appearance and one popular brand has been around since 1904.
sadaf ahsan
feb 2 2021

case study: tattoo leaves man semi-erect for life

the man waited three months to seek medical attention and initially lied to doctors about what happened.
dave yasvinski
jan 28 2021
powered by
canadian digestive health foundation
powered by
the leukemia & lymphoma society of canada (llsc)
powered by
save your skin foundation

sex and 'fighting for joy' amid the pandemic

covid-19 has stalled many sex lives, but it's also encouraging conversations about sex and pleasure among some.
healthy debate
mar 16 2021

the surprising medical history of the vibrator

early ads offered it up as a cure 'for all disease of the mid-quarters from neck to knee.' insert wink.
sadaf ahsan
mar 4 2021

pap tests hold clues for 'silent killer'

ovarian cancer is often mistaken for other conditions, delaying treatment and resulting poor outcomes.
dave yasvinski
feb 10 2021
powered by
canadian digestive health foundation

vagisil’s new omv! products for teens slammed by docs

one expert says marketing to young women 'plants the seed of thinking that this is a dirty part of the body.'
vanessa hrvatin
feb 10 2021

case study: the painful world of sex headaches

a twenty-four-year-old man suffered headaches whenever he watched pornography.
dave yasvinski
feb 4 2021

history of lubricant: it goes back to 600 bc

mashed yams make an early appearance and one popular brand has been around since 1904.
sadaf ahsan
feb 2 2021

case study: tattoo leaves man semi-erect for life

the man waited three months to seek medical attention and initially lied to doctors about what happened.
dave yasvinski
jan 28 2021
powered by
the leukemia & lymphoma society of canada (llsc)

