
drugs & treatments - h


habitrol (nicotine patch)
hadlima (adalimumab)
haemophilus b conjugate vaccine (act-hib, hiberix, liquid pedvaxhib)
hair regrowth formula (minoxidil topical solution)
halaven (eribulin)
halobetasol - tazarotene (duobrii)
halobetasol propionate (ultravate)
haloette (etonogestrel - ethinyl estradiol slow release vaginal ring)
harvoni (ledipasvir - sofosbuvir)
havrix (hepatitis a vaccine)
havrix junior (hepatitis a vaccine)
heartburn control (omeprazole)
hemangiol (propranolol oral solution)
hepalean (heparin)
heparin leo (heparin)
hepatitis a - typhoid vaccine (vivaxim)
hepatitis a vaccine (avaxim, havrix, havrix junior, vaqta)
hepatitis a vaccine - hepatitis b vaccine (twinrix)
hepatitis b vaccine (engerix-b, recombivax hb)
hepsera (adefovir)
heptovir (lamivudine (for hepatitis b))
herceptin (trastuzumab)
hexit (lindane)
hiberix (haemophilus b conjugate vaccine)
holkira pak (ombitasvir - paritaprevir - ritonavir and dasabuvir)
house dust mite allergen extract (acarizax)
hp-pac (lansoprazole - clarithromcyin - amoxicillin)
hulio (adalimumab)
humalog (insulin lispro)
humalog mix25 (insulin lispro mix)
humalog mix50 (insulin lispro mix)
human papillomavirus 9-valent vaccine (gardasil 9)
human papillomavirus bivalent vaccine (cervarix)
human papillomavirus vaccine (gardasil) (gardasil)
humatin (paromomycin)
humatrope (somatropin (humatrope))
humira (adalimumab)
humulin (insulin regular (insulin toronto))
humulin 30/70 (insulin premixed 30/70)
humulin-n (insulin nph (insulin isophane))
hyalgan (hyaluronic acid)
hyaluronic acid (hyalgan)
hycamtin (topotecan)
hycodan (hydrocodone)
hycomine (hydrocodone - pyrilamine - phenylephrine - ammonium chloride)
hycort retention enema (hydrocortisone enema)
hyderm (hydrocortisone topical)
hydralax (polyethylene glycol 3350)
hydrea (hydroxyurea)
hydrochlorothiazide by pro doc (hydrochlorothiazide)
hydrochlorothiazide by sanis (hydrochlorothiazide)
hydrocodone (hycodan, pdp-hydrocodone)
hydrocodone - phenylephrine (novahistex dh, novahistine dh, ratio-coristex-dh)
hydrocodone - pyrilamine - phenylephrine - ammonium chloride (hycomine)
hydrocortisone (tablets) (auro-hydrocortisone, cortef)
hydrocortisone - framycetin - dibucaine - esculin (proctol, proctosedyl, sandoz proctomyxin hc, teva-proctosone, ratio-proctosone)
hydrocortisone - neomycin - polymyxin b - bacitracin compound (ointment) (cortisporin ointment)
hydrocortisone - neomycin - polymyxin b compound (ear drops) (cortisporin otic solution sterile, sandoz cortimyxin otic solution, spor-hc otic suspension)
hydrocortisone - pramoxine cream and lotion (pramox hc)
hydrocortisone - pramoxine foam (proctofoam-hc)
hydrocortisone - urea (dermaflex hc, uremol hc)
hydrocortisone enema (cortenema, hycort retention enema)
hydrocortisone rectal foam (cortifoam)
hydromorph contin (hydromorphone controlled-release)
hydromorphone controlled-release (apo-hydromorphone cr, hydromorph contin, jurnista)
hydroval (hydrocortisone topical)
hydroxyzine (hydroxyzine)
hydroxyzine (hydroxyzine)
hylan g-f 20 (synvisc)
hylan g-f 20 (synvisc one) (synvisc one)
hyrimoz (adalimumab)
hytrin (terazosin)
hyzaar (losartan - hydrochlorothiazide)
hyzaar ds (losartan - hydrochlorothiazide)
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